Hey 😄

I’m Chelsey, and one day while I was hunting for the perfect pun, I had the chance to get into UX and never looked back. I love making experiences simple and helpful, solving problems using language, and communicating what’s important in a digestible way.

Besides being a lead content designer, I also run the C-Suite UX newsletter, a lightweight publication that teaches the craft of writing UX content.

Things I can help with

  • UI and product copy

  • Error messages

  • Terminology and naming

  • Taxonomy

  • Information architecture

  • Complex user flows

  • Conversation design

  • Frameworks and style guides




Next trip

Probably to the fridge.


I used to illustrate a little and play bass in a metal band, but then I bought a Switch and became a gamer.

Fun fact

People think I’m a huge Star Wars fan just because I know what Tatooine is.


How did you know.